All videos for the tag : survival guide (30 videos) - page 2
Watch more How to Survive in the Wilderness videos: We’ll take our fish out, dip it in this bowl. And the cutting board is a piece of cedar. I had another little knife I made. We can use this to cut through our fish, right here behind this gill. We’re going to take off his…
Watch more How to Survive in the Wilderness videos: As I get boiling water in here, what I’m going to do is take some of these rocks out and replace it with an egg. This is going to be how to boil your eggs. You want to boil for, I don’t know, three minutes or…
Watch more How to Survive in the Wilderness videos: There are many ways to cook our fish. We could just lay it in the coals. We can take a couple sticks, lay them over the coals, and put our fish right over, so that it’s not totally burning on the fire, but it’s getting enough…
Watch more How to Survive in the Wilderness videos: Water is one of the big five most important things that you’re going to need to have if you’re out in a wilderness situation. Lack of water, dehydration, or hypernatremia as it’s being referred to now is very, very problematic and one of the things that…
Watch more How to Survive in the Wilderness videos: If you had a pot it would be easy to cook. If you have a nice campfire, a nice cooking fire, sometimes you might find yourself without a pot. If you don’t have a pot you’re going to need to improvise and make a bowl. The…
Get Your Free Prepping Crash Course… In this video we’ll share 4 vital wilderness survival tips will show you how to survive in the wilderness effectively. These survival skills will help you if you ever have to live in the wilderness or find yourself in the woods. For a starters don’t assume that river water…
Video showing how to build a survival shelter from willow – watch in HD. Willow is an awesome material to use in bushcraft projects and I really enjoyed making this video. Hope you enjoy watching it. I will be making a fish trap from willow in an upcoming video so watch out for that one…
Something I missed out: At 12oclock the hour hand is on 12, so there’s no angle to bisect, well the sun at 12oclock is /usually directly south, so the 12 oclock mark itself is your north/south line. Although you could also just wait half an hour and you’ll have an angle to bi-sect. Such an…
With a few sticks and abit of sunshine, you can find North, South, East and West. EzPz. You will need: 2 Long sticks, as straight as possible – 5 feet long 3 Small steaks, 1 foot long A wide open space that gets plently of sun, ideally on flat land. Once your long stick is…
Owning the skills is great and all, but what if your “survival situation” hits you a week after you decide to start learning? Didn’t think of that did you, Mr Survival Expert guy? That’s OK, because I did. How’s a month of unlimited knowledge without power worries sound?
A 24-hour survival challenge using only a paracord bracelet. Goal: secure food, shelter, water, and fire. Visit to learn more. This is a challenge I put before my survival students. It’s not enough to just make it through the night — the idea is to find or make a workable shelter, to find enough food…
You already love Spotify, but do you know how to get the most out of it? Click here to learn all the Spotify Tips and Tricks you never knew existed. Watch more How to Survive in the Wilderness videos: A lot of the time people ask me about making their own cordage when they’re out…