All videos for the tag : Survival Skills (TV Genre) (255 videos) - page 13

  • To improvise a survival compass can be done in various ways, but each require a ferrous metal object and a suspension system. The simplest way to magnetise your improvised compass needle so that it is attracted by one end to magnetic North, is to stroke it with a magnet in one direction only. If you…

  • This is the conclusion of building a shelter with no tools. Here is the link to part 1 Here is the link to the efficiency of these shelters

  • This video was inspired by ” Survival Lilly”. This is my take on the bow and arrow as a survival weapon.We know that primitive man is proof that the bow and arrow could be used as thier primary hunting tool and weapon, but could the modern common man be able too. JUST A THOUGHT. Make…

  • A look at what I think are the 5 most important bushcraft kit /wilderness survival kit items you can carry while out enjoying the woods. winter bushcraft, winter camping, bushcraft kit, winter bushcraft kit, bushcraft, camping, bushcraft cooksets, tarp camping, alice pack, hoss style designs bucksaw, survival skills, bushcraft skills, bushcraft camping, bushcraft gear, survival…

  • Setelah semalaman ber-bivouac sendiri sendiri dimana peserta mengalami langsung stressor stressor survival di hutan, pagi hari ketiga ini mereka belajar tentang bagaimaan mencari Air dan Makanan di belantara. Peserta belajar langsung mengenali tumbuhan tumbuhan yang dapat di makan serta sumber makanan yang lain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan karbohidrat dan protein sebagai sumber energy dan mencari sumber…

  • Building a Dakota fire hole in our survival shelter for fire, heat and cooking purposes. Our fire pit will work great at heating our shelter. No more cold freezing nights!

  • Disaster on the mountain! Survival skills kick in to get to safety, and regroup. The mission is now on the edge of failure.

  • On a cold and wet autumn day I seek out a common type of tinder that can ignite, even in damp conditions. I also gather White Cedar leaves to make one of my favorite wild edible drinks: Cedar Tea.

  • Primitive wilderness living & survival skills by John & Geri McPherson.

  • If your BIC-lighter runs out of fuel or you’ve only got a spark, you can still light a fire. The lean-to is a classic shelter around the world. But is not quite as efficient of a shelter as the TV shows and books would lead us to believe. It offers little in the way of…

  • Evasion bug out bag. Let´s say you are isolated in hostile or unfriendly territory and try to avoid capture – with the goal to return to friendly areas. You are challenged by the elements, terrain, hostile military forces and the local populace. You should carry evasion aids on your person, because isolation is usually sudden…

  • This time: How to shelter under evasion conditions. For resting or sleeping you may need to seek a Shelter. But keep in mind: Concealment, not personal comfort is your primary concern-. You must select secure areas for refuge to avoid detection by the enemy. Another factor you must consider (since evaders are also survivors), is…