All videos for the tag : Survival (1477 videos) - page 107

  • Maine Primitive Skills School shares survival tips with Bill Green of Bill Green Outdoors WCH6 checking Maine Primitive Skills Schools community and curriculum.

  • Sicherheits-Streichhölzer können in der Wildnis auch ohne die Reibflächen der Streichholzschachtel entzündet werden, vor allem dann wichtig, wenn diese beschädigt oder abgenützt sind. Nützlich ist dabei folgende Information: Streichhölzer entzünden in etwa bei 80 °C. Durch Reibung von Holz auf Holz läßt sich diese Hitze leicht erzeugen; zur Anwendung kommt dabei die Feuerpflug-Technik. Beachte: Streichholzkopf…

  • I get lost on the way home again! But what’s new… Meandering down mental paths of inquiry: Pondering a spring and its origin.

  • Wilderness Survival and Primitive Skills Instructors share how to make and use hitches, knots, and Lashings for the outdoors at Maine Primitive Skills School.

  • Passend zum Start der dritten und brandneuen Staffel von ALONE zeigt euch unser Survival- und Bushcraft-Experte Fritz Meinecke in seinen Videos ein paar Tricks, die am besten auch alle Kandidaten von ALONE kennen sollten, bevor HISTORY sie in die Wildnis schickt. In diesem Video lernt ihr die Top 10 an Ausrüstungsgegenständen kennen – vom Messer…

  • The candle emergency lantern, made of a old tin can, a candle, and a bit of wire for handle, is a device that will be found to be very useful in an emergency. The whole thing was a boxed light, shining ahead like a searchlight.

  • survival skills and outdoor survival gear. Hallo alle, wir haben die zweite Trekkingtour im Pfälzerwald zu den Trekkingplatz 3 Leinsweiler/Trifels gemacht. Hier die erste Tour Meine Freunde: Jörn, ProNatura79… Jörg, Waldheimat… Jörg, Wanderjoe… Gregor, Der Waldgeist… Stefan und Frank, Natureman70… Hier eine Karte aller Pfälzerträkkingplätze :

  • Get your free guide – The 10 Biggest Mistakes Beginners in Chinese Make and How You Can Avoid Them Learn Chinese with Survival Chinese Bites, the video lessons for beginners that teach you essential basic Chinese phrases that you can use during travel, study or work in mainland China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore and other…

  • Maine Primitive Skills School Apprentices work on Shelter, Fire, and Food off the landscape during their second survival skills trip. After four days out and two days of rain they returned dry and with cooked food to share.

  • This is a quick video on the urban survival shelters option of using abandoned industrial buildings as a shelter option in a grid down or bug out situation. I don’t think these are great options for much more than a quick night or two at the most. There are several significant downsides to using a…

  • In this video we discuss License-Free Radios for survival and emergency communications. This is lesson 2 in teh Survival Comms Basics series View supporting content here View series playlist Visit Canadian prepper If you want to get your comms up, this is the right place to start Android fanatic and videoblogger, Survival…

  • 7 Wilderness Problems

    In this winter video filmed in Maine, I focus on 7 problems that people commonly encounter in the wilderness. From simple blisters to dehydration and worse, the wilderness is not a place for the unprepared. Bushcraft skills are such a practical asset in your ability to go from “roughing it”, to enjoying the wild. I…