All videos for the tag : Survival (1477 videos) - page 114

  • Explanation and presentation of various fire starting tools. Fire is essential to staying alive in a survival situation. There are many ignition options for fire making. For wilderness survival some are clearly better than others. Fire provides warmth in cold weather, allows you to boil and purify water, cook food, boosts moral in a scary…

  • Improvised Camp Lantern (part two) – extremely simple.

  • A new series about survival and enjoying the great outdoors. We show what to eat on the beach, in hedges and the woods.Filmed in South Wales, UK.

  • Can’t afford a high priced pack? Or perhaps you just want to go “ultralight”. How does a 4 pound self contained kit sound? You remember the old movies.. where the cowboys had their “bedrolls”? Let’s look at how to make a bedroll and seev what all can go into it..

  • Rose hips will can be eaten as a winter survival food. If in case you find yourself having colds and flu while out in the wild, this can serve as your natural medication. Check out my books:

  • The candle emergency lantern, made of a old tin can, a candle, and a bit of wire for handle, is a device that will be found to be very useful in an emergency. The whole thing was a boxed light, shining ahead like a searchlight.

  • This time: Fire-starting with a Fresnel Lens. A Fresnel lens will save on using matches for cloudy days or nighttime while during sunshine you can start a fire for free. The compact and lightweight design of a Fresnel lens along with being inexpensive makes it a perfect addition to your survival kit. The Fresnel Lens…

  • Looking for a way to test your fire building skills? Try lighting a “one-match-fire”. This is even more impressive in wet conditions, windy weather, and in other scenarios that increase the difficulty for fire making.

  • Soldier emergency tinder. Snipers, combat medics, even Mantracker carry the same good fire tinder with themselves. Few of them know it. (repost)

  • Wrapping In A Wool Blanket

    This is a demonstration on how to wrap up and get the most out of a wool blanket when camping. I really like to use a single wool blanket for sleeping when temps arent to extreme. It is great to lounge on, wrap up next to the fire, and it is very comfortable to sleep…

  • Demonstration Of A Few Handy Rope Knots For The Outdoors. Also A Signal Mirror Demo, And Other Wilderness Survival Information. Knot tying is a valuable skill to learn. I will post more knot videos in the future. I recommend practicing these until you have them memorized. The 3 knots shown are: -Sheet Bend -Bowline -Clove…

  • Poncho Rain Trap

    How to rig a poncho to trap rain water. This is task 1 of the wolfpack group.