All videos for the tag : Survival (1477 videos) - page 98

  • Reggie Bennett from Mountain Shepherd teaches how to determine what plants in the wilderness are edible and what plants are poisonous. For the entire playlist of Wilderness Survival Videos visit: For more information on Mountain Shepherd Survival School or to sign up for classes visit:

  • A wilderness survival kit should usually contain a signal mirror, a whistle, a fire starter, a compass, fish hooks, razor blades, duct tape, matches and first-aid supplies. Learn about including a flashlight, map and wiring in a survival kit with help from a recreational kayaking instructor and outdoor adventurer in this free video on wilderness…

  • Snake bites are a serious danger when hiking and camping. If you or one of your friends were bitten while on a hiking or camping trip, what should you do for first aid? I posted some pictures at the link in the video description. wilderness survival first aid snake bite hiking camping

  • .22 as a Survival Weapon

    If I could only carry one weapon out in the bush what would it be? I know that some of you will have differing opinions.. That’s ok.. Whatever works for you! But this is my opinion…

  • Important wilderness survival skills include the ability to find food, clothing and water in nature, and how to navigate in unfamiliar territory. Discover how first-aid is an important survival skill with help from a recreational kayaking instructor and outdoor adventurer in this free video on wilderness survival skills. Expert: Dr. T. Scott Cook Contact:…

  • How to use an inexpensive Garbage Bag for shelter and other applications

  • Selection of knots used in Bushcraft

  • The parts of a compass include the degree measurements around the circumference of the circle, the magnetic north needle that always points north and any other attachments, such as a magnifying glass. Understand the role of each part of a compass with life-saving tips from an experienced wilderness expert in this free video on surviving…

  • Making a fire without matches is possible by using magnesium flint steel or by using friction to create an ember. Always have tinder ready to ignite with life-saving tips from an experienced wilderness expert in this free video on surviving outdoors. Expert: Matt Preye Contact: Bio: Matt Preye has been kayaking for 15 years…

  • Making a compass in the wild can be done using a sewing needle, a magnet and some stagnant water, or it can be done using the shadows of the sun to find east and west. Get your bearings in the wild with life-saving tips from an experienced wilderness expert in this free video on surviving…

  • Wilderness survival has as much to do with psychology as physical survival, so getting into the right mindset is the first step in planning a survival tactic. Learn a few acronyms to live by with life-saving tips from an experienced wilderness expert in this free video on surviving outdoors. Expert: Matt Preye Contact: Bio:…

  • Using a compass involves holding it as level as possible, finding the desired direction or bearing and using the magnetic north needle as reference. Use a compass to navigate through the wilderness with life-saving tips from an experienced wilderness expert in this free video on surviving outdoors. Expert: Matt Preye Contact: Bio: Matt Preye…