All videos for the tag : Survival (1477 videos) - page 98

  • This is a look at the Echo Sigma Runner System from Brownells. This is a cool base kit for those who are looking to buy a high quality prepackaged kit that is filled with premium gear. The Echo Sigma Runner System will put you several steps ahead and give you the basic items needed for…

  • Day Trip to the Woods

    Hanging out on a Saturday up in a new area. What an awesome day!

  • Water- Gathering Basics

    Wilderness Survival, Primitive Skills, & Bushcraft skills on water purification, storage & gathering tips shared by primitive skills and outdoor educators from the Maine Primitive Skills School.

  • Advice On Finding Land

    Please add me to your Google + Circles! Just a quick look at how I am doing my Black Friday Shopping and a quick tip on finding public land that you can go out and practice your survival skills on. For more videos on wilderness survival, survival skills, disaster preparedness & prepping tips & bushcraft…

  • Survival, bushcraft, and primitive skills instructor shares a debris hut survival shelter tutorial at Maine Primitive Skills School. Check out our bow drill fire making video at . Learn more at our schools website Wilderness Survival Shelter considerations for primitive skills practitioners with claustrophobia who want the benefits of a debris hut. Check our other…

  • In this episode, our hero returns to the fundamental aspects of the channel name, with a look at preparing the mind for the challenges commonly faced in a survival situation and simple ways to prepared for them. Survival Skills are important, but you have to be in a frame of mind to put them to…

  • Nomadic Living: Tool Kit

    Skills and Gear to live medium to long term in a wilderness environment

  • If your BIC-lighter runs out of fuel or you’ve only got a spark, you can still light a fire. The lean-to is a classic shelter around the world. But is not quite as efficient of a shelter as the TV shows and books would lead us to believe. It offers little in the way of…

  • This is just 1 of over 150 + Edible plants in New Zealands brilliant bush. Pretty tasty and in a survival situation it is worth knowing about.

  • This time: Fire-starting with a Fresnel Lens. A Fresnel lens will save on using matches for cloudy days or nighttime while during sunshine you can start a fire for free. The compact and lightweight design of a Fresnel lens along with being inexpensive makes it a perfect addition to your survival kit. The Fresnel Lens…

  • Read the description! Have any questions for us? Make sure to leave a comment or send us a private message, and of course like and subscribe if you learned something. Josh and Brad document their second stealth overnighter, this time they have to build their own shelter with nature’s materials. Bushcraft is the art of…

  • Michael Douglas of the Maine Primitive Skills School shares Wilderness Survival, Self Reliance, Bushcraft, and Primitive Skills and how to approach them to better your own skill sets.