All videos for the tag : toaks (3 videos)

  • Just a quick (well quite long video) on my Solo Cook Sets. Good for light weight and can use wood, gas and alcohol. Hope this helps you out and saves you money! I’ve put many hours into this and use these sets for hiking, bushcraft, camping and many things outdoors. Full equipment list… Fire Maple…

  • There are a ton of cooking pots on the market today! On this episode, I take a look at 7 popular solutions for all of you who like cooking in the woods! Chock Full O’ Nuts – OXO Smooth Edge Can Opener – Coleman Aluminum Mess Kit – GSI Stainless Cup – Stanley Camp Cook…

  • Not been able to get out and about so I ordered lots of stuff to review and try out when I’m better. Here is a general overview of each item and will do a full review in the wild. Here is some of the gear… MSR Reactor MSR Windburner (MSR Windboiler) Evernew Titanium Cooking Pot…