All videos for the tag : Tutorial (64 videos) - page 4

  • Part 1 is about Building the Teepee and testing it. 0:00 Teepee construction 0:37 Hand drill 1:27 Digging Dakota Fire Pit 2:06 Setting Teepee 2:56 Hand drill Very special Thanks to: – Jonathan Ferland-Valois, who one day, insisted strongly to send me money to help buy my new camera. I still cannot believe how generous…

  • Heavy rain on camp fire

    Visit my website for up to date information ! This time I got surprised by heavy rain and I was not ready, here’s what to do to keep your fire alive in these condition. Even if the flame eventually die because it just does not stop raining, there will always be big coals in the…

  • The fuzz matchstick trick: Feather sticks, tinder or fuzz sticks, are one of the best ways to get a fire going when kindling is hard to come by. Fundamentally, a feather stick is just a branch that has had long, thin strips shaved off of it in order to provide more surface area – the…

  • This time: Improvised Oil lamp, based on the Kudlik (Inuit lamp, originally with a stone base, lit by whale or seal oil. The Kudlik was used for heat, melting snow, cooking and drying clothes). . Sardines can: The oil (olive oil) is of course useful energy when consumed, but it can provide an emergency heat…

  • Power Blackout! Here’s a way to lighten up the situation: The “All in One” Survival Lantern. The key to it is a butane cigarette lighter! Cheap, simple and effective. Tell Us What You Think: How would you prepare in order to survive a long-term blackout?

  • To create your own survival compass you will need the following materials: 1) A needle or some other wire like piece of steel (a straightened paper clip, for example) and your 2) pocket knife. The first step is to turn the wire into a magnet. The easiest way to do this is with the blade…

  • This time: The improvised storm-proof oil Lamp. Key Element: The lamp flame protector. A clear glass Chimney is a great and practical way to shield open flame, make lamp light brighter and prevent blow out. How to: Tie a string around the jar glass, soak it with fuel and sett it on fire, then plung…

  • Bored of repating the same old Survival Techniques? Upgrade your Skills now.

  • Uses for an old umbrella: 4 Amazing Tricks for Woodrunners, Camper, Hunters and Recyclers: Place 4: Coat hanger, in order to dry clothing. Place 3: Wind protection for your campfire. Place 2: Rain protection for a small campfire. And the number 1 is: A Hunting blind, cheaply and just as well as a commercial but…

  • Passend zum Start der dritten und brandneuen Staffel von ALONE zeigt euch unser Survival- und Bushcraft-Experte Fritz Meinecke in seinen Videos ein paar Tricks, die am besten auch alle Kandidaten von ALONE kennen sollten, bevor HISTORY sie in die Wildnis schickt. In diesem Video lernt ihr, wie ihr in der Wildnis am besten Feuer entfachen…

  • Join me as I venture off into the wild on the first of many camping adventures! Full of survival training, tips, tricks, and a lot of poison ivy! In this episode I make camp, chop wood, build the fire and make some wilderness coffee!

  • This time: How to create a warm environment. Stay off the ground: You lose more heat to the cold ground than you do to the air around you, so having or making a raised platform is a good way to start off your primitive shelter. To achieve this goal, a camping bed or an camping…