All videos for the tag : Überlebenstraining (36 videos) - page 2

  • Video von Ein Survival Steinmesser ist in jeder Überlebenssituation hilfreich. Im ersten Teil habe ich Ihnen gezeigt, wie man ein Survival Steinmesser herstellt. Hier möchte ich Ihnen erläutern, warum diese Fertigkeit so wichtig ist, und was Sie mit dieser Survivalfertigkeit alles anstellen können. Im Outdoorbereich, im Bushcraft, selbst beim Camping und im Alltag, benötigen Sie…

  • Welt der Wunder trifft Deutschlands härtesten Survival-Trainer Heiko Gärtner. Er bietet eine Ausbildung zum Wildnislehrer an. Die Teilnehmer müssen bei den Prüfungen bis an ihre Grenzen gehen, da heißt es: Zähne zusammenbeißen!… Wäre so ein Survival-Training auch was für Euch? Weitere Videos aus der Rubrik “Mensch & Natur”: ______________________ Welt der Wunder TV sendet auf…

  • Bushcraft Survival Training – Überlebenstraining – Outdoor, Trekking, Abenteuer, Wildnis

  • The Water Generator: The purpose the Water Generator is to collect solar energy for melting snow or ice. It follows the same design principle as it is applied for my Super Shelter.

  • A 2 mm thick wire rope can be used as emergency replacement for a climbing rope, but it is very dangerous. Try this only as a last resort, when all else fails.

  • Battery fire lighting. If you are carrying arms you can use the gunpowder from a round to help ignite your tinder.

  • The bark of the wild cherry tree is a traditional Native American remedy. However, the bark still has another value: it helps you to kindle a fire. The wild cherry tree bark burns about 3 times longer, than birch bark. This is helpful if you are forced to kindle a fire under wet weather conditions,…

  • This time: The animal fat Burner Things needed: 2 Tin cans, 3 wooden sticks, cotton strip, animal fat, pocket knife, matches or lighter. Some Facts about animal fat: The University of Georgia has been using chicken fat to heat buildings and water on its campus. Animal fat fuels are produced as waste in the slaughtering…

  • This time: Fire-starting with a Fresnel Lens. A Fresnel lens will save on using matches for cloudy days or nighttime while during sunshine you can start a fire for free. The compact and lightweight design of a Fresnel lens along with being inexpensive makes it a perfect addition to your survival kit. The Fresnel Lens…

  • The purpose of such devices is obvious: uninvited guests should be recognised early, or be scared off. However, I show you a widely unknown device, which I have often used in the Jungle!

  • This time: The desert cooker aka Benghazi stove. The ‘Benghazi Stove’ is an improvised cooking stove, consisting of three simple items, Dry Sand, Petrol and an Old Tin Can. The ‘Benghazi Stove’ was innovated by the “Desert Rats” in North Africa, during WW2. Partially fill the Tin can with Dry Sand and then pour either…

  • This time: How to create a warm environment. Stay off the ground: You lose more heat to the cold ground than you do to the air around you, so having or making a raised platform is a good way to start off your primitive shelter. To achieve this goal, a camping bed or an camping…