All videos for the tag : Weekend (100 videos) - page 9
This is a small match box that contains some useful items. The box contains waterproofed matches, a cardboard gnomon (that’s the part of a sundial that casts the shadow), and a compass in the form of a magnetized sewing needle stuck through a small piece of foam. The sundial must be oriented north to work,…
Avery teaches survival skills117406:51
Please watch: “My First Time Shaving!” ➨ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
Survival of Alaskan man who spent days in sub-zero wilderness Survival of Alaskan man who spent days in sub-zero wilderness Survival of Alaskan man who spent days in sub-zero wilderness Craig Johnson, 38, is extremely lucky to be alive after being forced to spend three days in the Alaskan wilderness battling sub-zero temperatures
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