All videos in category People & Blogs (338 videos) - page 8

  • Building a tiled roof hut

    I built this tiled roof hut in the bush using only primitive tools and materials. The tools I used have been made in my previous videos. It should be pointed out that I do not live in the wild and that this is just a hobby. It should be obvious to most that this is…

  • and invited to the cool and nice WildnisFest im Saarland. Danke für die geniale Zeit! Waldhandwerk Bushcraft – Survival Trainings: Bergzeit Outdoorshop: With: Joe Vogel, Wildnistraining Markus Handdrill Marco: and many others. Burning spoons, handdrill, bowdrill, bushcraft survival courses. Archery, climbing, leather work, wild cooking, Wildnis Treffen im Saarland. primitive skills man men women…

  • Solo Overnighter in the Alps, without sleeping gear. Test, train and practice your Survival Skills. Waldhandwerk Bushcraft – Survival Trainings: Bergzeit Outdoorshop: Stay warm in high altitudes, tips and tricks, great scenery, awesome views, long hike. Self-selected emergency bivouac Selbst gewähltes Not Biwak

  • In the summer of 2015 Nature Freaks, an environmental education organization in Patrick County, VA., held a 5 day summer camp for ages 10-14. It was called Kids vs. Wild. The campers spent half the week learning basic wilderness survival skills and the other half of the week writing, acting, filming & directing a wilderness…

  • Join me on an over night Summer wild camp ~ Air gun rabbit hunt July ~ 2015 Just key words… Bushcraft, Woodsman Skills, Survival, Self Sufficiency, Primitive Living, Wild Camp, Camping, Wilderness, Hiking, Hike, Solo, Hunt, Hunting, Air Gun, Rifle, .22 Calibre, BSA Lightning XL SE, Springer, Zeroing, Target Practice, Scope Cam, Pest, Rodent, Small…

  • На сайте Aliexpress я заказал вот такую штуку! Это хорошее решение для походов! ———————————————————————————————————– покупал здесь: cashback:

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  • Palm Thatched Mud Hut

    This is an old hut I built 2 years ago and have since demolished. It was a 2 m square floor with wattle and daub walls 1.5 m high topped with a pyramidal roof thatched with Alexander palm fronds. The building method is my usual plan- get a roof up first then build the walls….

  • cooking on the beach, and natural cord bow drill,

  • This the follow up to my 5 essential items for bushcraft and wilderness survival. These are the pieces of kit I add to my 5 basics to make my kit more comprehensive.

  • did not have any thing to cover the pit with before i cover it with sand, but i work out great anyway,,,

  • A look at what I think are the 5 most important bushcraft kit /wilderness survival kit items you can carry while out enjoying the woods. winter bushcraft, winter camping, bushcraft kit, winter bushcraft kit, bushcraft, camping, bushcraft cooksets, tarp camping, alice pack, hoss style designs bucksaw, survival skills, bushcraft skills, bushcraft camping, bushcraft gear, survival…