All videos for the tag : atlatl (11 videos)

  • Atlatl Accuracy Tips

    Just a few accuracy tips for those who are having a tough time learning to make and throw atlatl darts.

  • Part I of a series on making an cane atlatl dart, starting with the straightening of the cane dart blank.

  • Making an Atlatl Part I

    Making a Generic North American Style Atlatl from the American Soutwhest.

  • Atlatl

    From atop the lofty heights of the food chain, Atlatl Bob educates and entertains in this student film about the weapon all of our ancestors used: the Atlatl. Three atler egos collide in this professionally shot and edited short.

  • We head back down to southern Utah for part two of our Wilderness Survival Skills series to learn what is flint knapping and how to make an atlatl, as well as how to throw a dart. Gear used in this video: Bark River Golok: … Helle Temagami: … Check out Outdoor and Survival gear here:…

  • Join me on my one week trip out in the bavarian mountains. Lots of time for various bushcraft projects. Detailed video about the pot crane: There will be more detailed videos covering some of the projects. If you want to see something in particular, let me know in the comments. Thanks to Andy, Vanessa, Niklas,…

  • NativeSurvival Community Channel: All the newest vids are posted advertisement free at the Community Channel, after 4 months they are published here with ads. Website: Mitch, Mitchell, Alone, History, Channel, Survival, Nativesurvival.

  • Short video series showing the basics of net making, from the tools and equipment used to the making of two simple net styles

  • Top 5 Survival Weapons

    In this video I show my top 5 survival weapons that I would use in a survival situation to hunt game. My favorite weapon is the bow and arrow. Maybe because I have years of practice with it. But also the other survival weapons in this video can be of high value if someone knows…

  • Atlatl basics. The information one needs to know in order to employ the Atlatl system. Video captures atlatl parts, atlatl darts, atlatl throwing, atlatl holds and atlatl shooting.

  • Selection of knots used in Bushcraft