All videos for the tag : out (51 videos) - page 5
cooking freshwater mussel Clam at the creek drop them into boiling water just until they open up to be taken out of the shell to eat from Earth bowl wilderness survival, Camping tips., The Native Americans call it “Ee-Wah-Kee” meaning The-Mud That Heals Bentonite, as well as other types of healing clay,
How to/tutorial on making a “Buddy Burner” fire starter for camping, emergency prep, self reliance, outdoor cooking, heat, etc. from recycled materials! A strong flame in a small container, that can be stored and made ready for use anytime. Easy, beginner level project.
This is my experimental layout of a MICRO Pocket Organizer, used as a mini tool kit only (NOT as a survival kit, first aid kit, nor “bug out bag”). Standard sized hand tools simply won’t fit, so it’s filled with mini or “micro-sized” items ONLY. It has just over 100 in total, counting the Leatherman…