All videos for the tag : Survival Skills (TV Genre) (255 videos) - page 14

  • This time: BOL – Cave as a refuge (Part 1) Imagine there is a collapse of the social order. And as the situation escalates, you decide it is best to stay out of the way of the chaos. You decide to bug out. You head for the hills. Here are some tips on how to…

  • From building a shelter to signaling for rescue, learn from Navy Instructor Paul Levins how to assure your survival on land from the moment you realize you’re lost until help arrives. Paul trains Naval Aviators how to survive if they ever have to eject, and now he teaches you those same skills. This episode focuses…

  • Bored of repating the same old Survival Techniques? Upgrade your Skills now.

  • Viewers Choice Solo Overnight Camp Out -The Survival Channel Click the link below to join our group on Facebook it is growing fast ! ——————————————————– We want to let all of our awesome followers know that we are also on Instagram, Twitter, and Google + my friends. Instagram: Twitter: Google+ **SUBSCRIBE for more awesome weekly…

  • As a evader you must be proficient in the use of evasion and/or survival equipment to facilitate evasion. This time: Water purification. Water is very essential, but it can be difficult to acquire. No matter where water is procured, try to remain completely concealed when doing so. The enemy knows you need water and may…

  • In part 2 I’m wandering around trying to get lost and looking for food and resources.

  • This time: How to create a warm environment. Stay off the ground: You lose more heat to the cold ground than you do to the air around you, so having or making a raised platform is a good way to start off your primitive shelter. To achieve this goal, a camping bed or an camping…

  • Knife Skills (Video 1)

    First in a series of knife skills videos and how to use a knife for Bushcraft, Campcraft, Survival and hunting. For more information on the knife used in this video please visit This is also my first attempt at a HD video and using Director 10 to edit the video and audio, so let…

  • We went out to the National Forest to a spot with a lot of overgrowth to work on the wilderness survival merit badge. Here we built shelters, worked on fire skills, butchered and killed 3 domestic rabbits, talked a lot about wilderness survival, and had a great time.

  • Camp Hope. After once being beaten by the rain, a different approach was needed. Back in the mountains, the struggle now focuses on establishing a base camp.

  • Air has a low thermal conductivity but is very mobile. There are thus two elements that are important in protecting from the cold: 1: stopping the wind from penetrating and replacing the layer of warm air close to the body; 2: setting up a layer of still air which serves as insulation, by the use…

  • A 2 mm thick wire rope can be used as emergency replacement for a climbing rope, but it is very dangerous. Try this only as a last resort, when all else fails.