All videos for the tag : wow (8 videos)
Simply click the moment that you want to watch 2:18 starting to build the shelter 8:20 starting to work on friction fire 18:30 catching tinder bundle on fire 22:26 starting to cook food 27:52 Warning 31:20 Midnight bread cooking 36:55 Mushroom tea in early morning 37:30 Why I’m so obsessed with friction fire Visit my…
Visit my website for up to date information ! This is an old tutorial, I made a much more complete one with up-to-date information ! Bow drill without modern tool, back to stone age ! Hand drill without modern tool, back to stone age ! Bow drill soaked in water ! Friction fire and very…
Skip to the part you want I won’t even be mad : 1:10 The piece of wood I will be using 1:50 soaking wood in water 5:54 Starting to bow 7:16 catching tinder bundle on fire 9:00 Soaking set in water 10:00 Starting to bow 14:07 Conclusion Visit my website for up to date information…
Watch the moment that interest you the most ! 0:52 Making my knife out of rocks 1:46 Finding tinders 2:12 Finding my set 3:02 Setting up 4:18 finding cordage 5:01 Making Set 8:21 Starting to Bow Drill Visit my website for up to date information ! Need help with your bow drill skill ? This…
This is an old tutorial, I made a much more complete one with up-to-date information ! Visit my website for up to date information ! Bow drill without modern tool, back to stone age ! Hand drill without modern tool, back to stone age ! Bow drill soaked in water ! Friction fire and very…
Visit my website for up to date information ! This time I got surprised by heavy rain and I was not ready, here’s what to do to keep your fire alive in these condition. Even if the flame eventually die because it just does not stop raining, there will always be big coals in the…
TheAwesomeSirs presents Extreme Wilderness Survival Tips with Justin ( Spoof of Man Vs Wild with Bear Grylls Thumbs up and comment.. share the video with friends Check us out on Facebook
Intro The problem with Mullein 1:24 How to select a plant stalk 1:55 Tinder selection 3:08 Wood selection 4:55 Hand drill 7:58 Catching Tinder bundle on fire Visit my website for up to date information ! Watch this for a complete step by step Tutorial, for beginners and advanced. Bow drill without modern tool, back…