All videos for the tag : tips (88 videos) - page 6
Survival -Training – Überlebenstraining – Outdoor — Wildnis Make a fire, knife and firesteel
155301:21looking .. its easy ..
In this video, I take you on a journey on a novice survival hike in the rugged mountains of montana. If you were faced with a shtf scenario where you and your family had to flee to the wilderness for your safety, would you be able to survive? Here I show you that it’s not…
Here’s one way to setup a tarp in high winds without putting a lot of stress on the grommets or tie offs and risking ripping them out. Bushcraft On Fire –
Making a-frame wintershelter with spruce wood and branches. Zimski bivak, dvokapnica iz smrečja.
Some utility knots that could be use during hikes, camping, survival or everyday use. The aim of the video is explaining how these knots are tied and some common uses. Knots in Part I of the video are clove hitch, truckers hitch, slip knot, half hitch, figure eight, double fisherman’s knot, prusik knot, seberian hitch…
Created on October 16, 2010
After I saw Dale Calder’s video of his Hobo stove, I just had to make one myself…my hobo stove 2 video…
MY WEBSITE: MY GALLERY: KNIFE TEMPLATES: I’ve taken the liberty of finding a quick ship supplier for nearly everything I use in my shop so you don’t have to! Enjoy! SUPPLIERS————————————————————— MACHINES FOR KNIFE MAKING: Beginner knife grinder: Intermediate knife grinder: Knife sharpener:—— Drill press: ————— Spindle sander:——– Angle grinder:———- Drill guns: ————— Stone washer:———…
Ever wondered how long you’d survive after getting lost? Well worry no more! RE brings you 5 different ways to find water in Nature! ♫ INTRO music used: DJ ASSASS1N – Frag Out [NCS Release] ♫ Music used in video: ○ Bright Future – Silent Partner Can’t believe people actually read vid description! 😮
Learn to how to survive from the best, Ted Dawson. Ted Dawson has been surviving since he was born and has seen countless wildernessesess. Buy his book here “How To Survive In The Wilderness With Only Your Wit And The Items Specified In This Book!?!1”
There are all sorts of everyday objects that can be used in completely different ways than they were intended; and often become even more useful as a result! So, here are 10 such life hacks ideas to repurpose those odds and ends! Subscribe for more! ► ◄ Stay updated ► ◄ For copyright queries or…
“Stove Secrets” – Alcohol stove builds, tips, tricks, and secrets for the true DIY gear junkie. No fancy or expensive tools & machinery required! In this episode we tackle another simple, yet cool stove project… how to make a rolled-edge alcohol stove from an aluminum beer bottle. This lightweight, yet sturdy alcohol stove is relatively…