All videos for the tag : how to bug out (3 videos)

  • Bug Out Survival Basics Part 3 | Communication, Supplies, And Strategy Communication with family and loved ones about possible SHTF scenarios, how, and where to bug out is very important. Being prepared for all the possible dangers around us is not about predicting the future but protecting us from imminent danger when something does happen….

  • Bug Out Survival Basics Part 2 | The Human Element It is important to prepare your family and loved ones ahead of time. If shit hits the fan and you need to bug out, they need to be physically, mentally, and psychology ready to go. I’m a prepper and I have fun creating lots of…

  • Bug Out Survival Basics Part 1 | Support It is important that you create some preparations with family and friends to ensure that you have some chance of escape when the shit hits the fan. Being prepared for all the possible dangers around us is not about predicting the future but protecting us from imminent…